Joe Lloyd Web Apps

Its me


I'm Joe, JavaScript Engineer

Joe Lloyd

Stack Overflow Flair

profile for Joe Lloyd at Stack Overflow: over 20000 reputation

Personal Projects

Here are some of the projects I've been working on in my spare time. I like to make things that I find interesting or useful. Some are half finished, and all of them have features I would like to add.

You can view the code for each of these projects or check out the live version with the buttons under each project. This is nowhere near an exhaustive list of all my projects, just the ones that I've made hosting for. You can look at the other projects on my GitHub.

What Paint is It?

saga age of magic army builder screenshot
A paint matching app for miniature painting. It also detects the paint brand and a Shadow and Highlight color for the paint. It can check the brands Citadel, Vallejo, P3 and Army Painter.

Saga: Age of Magic

saga age of magic army builder screenshot
An army builder app for the Saga: Age of Magic tabletop game. Lots of state management here, I created a save system that uses QR code that way you can load an army from your desktop to mobile without any account creation.

Gloomhaven Combat Deck

gloomhaven combat deck screenshot
A combat deck app for the Gloomhaven dungeon crawler board game. This was another way for me to practice managing state as well as animations in a 3d space.

Apartment layout

Apartment layout screenshot
An app to show the layout of my apartment and measure room size. I wanted to generate some svgs and see if I could make accurate measurements by equating 1px to 1mm.

Paper Scissors Rock game

paper scissors rock game screenshot
Simple paper scissors rock game, I wanted to practice using phaser and creating pixel art

Bad internet speed test

bad internet speed test screenshot
An app to test the Internet speed API, it's not very good since it caps at 10MB.

Flappy bird clone

flappy bird game screenshot
Flappy bird clone, I wanted to practice using phaser and creating pixel art & making sounds.